Kairakuen Park

 ¿Qué ver en Kairakuen park, Prefectura de ibaraki?

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Kairakuen Park is a beautiful Japanese garden located in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. It is open year-round and admission is free. The park is known for its plum blossom trees, which bloom in late February to early March. During this time, the park is crowded with visitors who come to admire the pink and white flowers.

The park is open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. There are several entrances to the park, but the main entrance is located on the east side. The park has several walking trails that lead visitors through the garden, past waterfalls, ponds, and traditional Japanese structures.

In addition to the plum blossoms, Kairakuen Park is also known for its azaleas, which bloom in late April to early May. During this time, the park is also busy with visitors who come to see the colorful flowers.

Nearby attractions include the Ibaraki Prefectural Museum of History, which is located just outside the park. The museum is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Another nearby attraction is the Tokiwa Shrine, which is located about a 10-minute walk from the park. The shrine is open 24 hours a day.

For more information on Kairakuen Park, visit their official website at http://www.koen.pref.ibaraki.jp/park/kairakuen/.

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